Vajad ajutiselt personalijuhti, kas lahkunud töötaja asendamiseks uue leidmiseni või muutuste perioodil, kus  vajad erinevat lähenemist. Ajutine personalijuht täidab kõiki personalijuhi rolle. Üldiselt on ajutise personalijuhi tööperiood 1-6 kuud, sõltuvalt konkreetsest olukorrast ja vajadusest. Sellise lahenduse eelis on personalijuhi kogemus erinevatest ettevõtetest, oskus kiiresti sisse elada ja selged eesmärgid. Nii saavad tööd tehtud ning Sina saad aega, et läbi mõelda millist inimest endale edaspidi vajad.

Millises olukorras kasutada ajutist (interim) personalijuhti, jagab oma kogemustest Peaceful Tech OÜ (Paxful) Director of People Operations Katja Luostarinen:

Paxful decided to use interim HR manager services after a search for a HR manager turned out to be much longer than anticipated. We needed someone to handle the tasks and work after our previous HR person had left, and while we were looking for the new one. Interim services worked very well for us, since it was a flexible solution that allowed us more time to find the right fit for the role. The second time we used interim services was to cover for a vacation period and while the team was understaffed, waiting for new hires to start.
Aet provided a ton of value to Paxful – in addition to handling all daily HR manager tasks (paperwork, contracts, assistance in hiring, employee relations etc.), she proactively provided recommendations, took on projects and fixed a lot of missing things. Her expertise from years of service in multiple companies was valuable so that we could get a professional perspective on our systems. Overall, the value was improved systems and processes, continued daily function of hiring and the company, and advice on special cases and concerns (such as employment law or compensation).
I would absolutely use Aet’s services in the future, even in shorter-term consulting or around special projects.